Jill is the oldest girl in a family of nine. Growing up in the midwest she was raised to be a hard worker and to value her community. When she first moved to La Crosse Jill taught English and Citizenship classes to Hmong adults while raising her two children Zoe and Josh. In 2004 Jill decided to run for the La Crosse County Board and served her local community as a member on the board for eight years. Friends and supporters encouraged Jill to run for the 95th Assembly seat in the Special Election of 2011. That November Jill was honored to be elected and has proudly represented the people of the Coulee Region ever since.

- Wisconsin Historical Society’s Legislative Award (2024)
- LeaderEthics Award for ethical governance (2022)
- Citizens for a Scenic Wisconsin (CSW) Scenic Wisconsin Champion (2019)
- Wisconsin Economic Development Association (WEDA) Champion of Economic Development (2017-18 & 2019-20)
- Wisconsin Counties Association (WCA) Outstanding Legislator (2015 & 2019-2024)
- League of Conservation Voters Conservation Champion (2018 – 2024)
- Wisconsin Conservation Voters Honor Role (2017-18)
- Dave Daux Award for Bipartisanship (2016 & 2017)
- National Federation of Women Legislators Elected Woman of Excellence (2017)
- UW-La Crosse Student Senate Higher Education Advocate of the Year (2013 & 2016)
- Wisconsin Conservation Voters Champion (2011-22)
- Independent Living Resources “Relentless Badger (2015)
- La Crosse YWCA Outstanding Woman (2015)